
Whisky begins to fade, memories become clearer – Walking Through The Bullhorn

She told me it would be like this.  She read “The Dogs Bark”, saw what happened.  It’s a long way from here to Hollywood, and nobody really wants to be exposed.  People want to be heard, not exposed, except for a few who we don’t mention unless you already know who they are.

I don’t share the same feelings as most of my friends; heck do I have any friends?  I am normal, according to me, except, I admit, when I attempt to fit into their construction.  Never felt normal there.  Mostly I felt like I was observing, always thinking something that was just a bit off the path, but obvious to me.

I am not drunk.  I have seldom been drunk, although the State would not agree if it had any record of my drinking, which it gladly does not.

My phone has not rung with somebody on the other end of the line that I actually cared about talking with for quite some time.  Now that I’ve said that, I expect that it will not ring for some time more.  No matter, it would simply run down the money and minutes available on my pay as you go cell phone/wireless phone, which is all I really need, since nobody calls anyway.  I have to admit that I have not figured out social networking yet on the cell phone; I have not used instant messaging; I have barely used email, but I support email.  Anything that is writing.  Writing, I understand the pace.  My only concern is that someday the whole of the Internet and electronic communications will be loaded up as a bullet.  I would talk about that, but nobody called, and nobody asked.

I could find a date, but I don’t know the date.

I am actually quite easy to talk with,when we are talking the same language.  Mostly I have been born into the world where object orientation is natural, part of the natural language.  I believe that is a ‘new language’ for most of the people I encounter.  Celebrities are being caught up into reality, and those pesky Christians who “walk with Jesus” are going to have to say exactly what do they mean.

More than one Hollywood executive has said to me, “we’re good people”.

So if you’re so good, how come I haven’t had a paycheck in years?  Well, I am partly responsible for that.  I refused to play the game, at least the way they wanted to have it.  I already worked serving you by doing things your way.  I think it’s about time I started doing things my way.  Of course I was thinking that I needed to do things my way while I was serving you your way, which come to think of it might be why you didn’t want to keep me,pay me, include me, or open the door and show me the way ….

I think I really understood when John Lennon sang “.. you can penetrate anyplace [anywhere?] you go ..”.  That’s my problem, yes.  There aren’t many teachers who will actually teach you how to make your art, not theirs. 

So the guitarist doesn’t want to say what he thinks about domestic partnerships versus traditional marriage, he’s just glad the night is over, he got paid, and there were no requests for ‘physical graffiti’.  Everybody has something to learn and a time to learn it.  The question is, has anybody learned enough to be listening when the penetrating walker walks through the bullhorn?  

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