
Augusta versus Palm Desert

junePackageGraphics031gogo As Wayne stood at the reception desk of the City Council Office, inquiring about acquiring a copy of a certain document, the City Attorney walked past the receptionist, who stopped him and asked him if the document was available. The Attorney looked at Wayne and asked, “do you want to come in to my Office and talk about the case”?

“No”, Wayne looked him in the eye, “I don't think that would be a good idea.”

“Why not”?

“You aren't going to like what I am going to do with the document. I already know what I'm going to find. I just want to touch the evidence to be certain it was not a trick of the air, what I know. I really have no reason for this to get personal, it wasn't about you, although it's probably about your work. At the end, you might keep your job, and your right to practice Law, but if I come into your Office, I know you won't.”

The Attorney's body tightened. Beads of sweat gathered on his forehead. He took a step toward his Office. It was clear he was thinking about what Wayne had said. He wanted to keep walking, but he couldn't. He turned and raised his finger while choking out the words, “you better be prepared”.

“No sir, you are the one who needs that now.”

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